As much shit as I talk without remorse within my column, I must admit this post has me feeling some kind of way, like the illuminati has planted surveillance devices in my laptop and are recording every keystroke, ready to pounce on me once they see where I’m heading with this write-up. Still, I feel as a writer for a site called Refined Hype, I must be able to fearlessly cut through the bullshit and get to the real, and in the essence of Ms. Hill, I’m going to speak my truth: As much as we as a culture refuse to accept it, the Lauryn Hill of the 90’s is gone, and as far as I can tell, she ain’t coming back no time soon.
Trust me, I do not make such a statement lightly or without careful observation to back it up. Her live show is now, for lack of a better term, abysmal. Review after review after review solidifies just how low quality a performance she puts on. During last years’ Rock the Bells tour, of which she was a headliner, song arrangements made the tracks almost unrecognizable, the band constantly drowned her out and she sped through her set, singing and rapping everything in almost double time as if she had somewhere else to be later and wanted to get the show over with. It was as if she hadn’t taking into consideration how much time, love and money her fans were giving her, hoping to have a moment with the Lauryn they fell in love with so many years ago. Her perpetual lateness to these shows was nothing but salt on an open wound, leaving fans that spent as much as $200 feeling not only cheated, but outright insulted.
Even if we were to give her a pass for a crappy show and coming on stage whenever the hell she felt like it, it’s not only her actions, but her attitude that are a problem. No doubt she is IMO the greatest female MC to touch a mic, and I honestly believe that if she were on that mission, she could body more than half of these guys out here who consider themselves the G.O.A.T. Still it wouldn’t kill her if she humbled herself. After reading this statement she made to a crowd after she was three hours late, I had to reassess my devotion as a fan.
“I spent my entire 20s sacrificing my life to give you love. So when I hear people complain, I don’t know what to tell you. I personally know I’m worth the wait.”
Worth the wait? If this were anybody else, I’d probably go into a “bitch, please…” rant, but for Ms. Hill, I’ll simply say this: Yes, you were are the shit, and we all know this, but it would mean a lot to the fans who have supported you throughout the years for you to have the courtesy to at least show up on time. I understand that things happen that may make any artist a bit late to a few of their shows, but after three hours of waiting, telling someone who spent good money on you (during a recession) that you are so high and mighty that you are “worth the wait” is simply tacky and inconsiderate. Then you have the nerve to follow up a statement like that with a horrible performance? I’m sorry, but in that instance, you weren’t worth the wait.
That’s not to say she doesn’t still have it, but between consistent lateness and show cancellations, lack of new material, poor stage presence and an obvious attitude problem in regards to her spot in the industry, I just don’t think her heart is in it anymore. It’s not that she cannot be the phenomena she once was, it’s that at this point in her life, she chooses not to be, and ultimately I guess that’s OK.
She’s focusing on other things now, like motherhood and trying to maintain a normal private life, which I can in no way hate on as they are important for anyone with a family to do. I’m just done anticipating her return with wide eyed hopefulness. I’m that girl who played "The Miseducation" on repeat as I slept, indoctrinating myself with its lyrics and melodies. I’m the girl who still quotes lines from "Blunted on Reality" and "The Score" because whatever Lauryn breathed on, even 15 years ago, still has relevance and worth. Deep down, we’re still waiting for that woman to return, but until that day we can’t let our nostalgia cloud the obvious truth that her "Final Hour" may be approaching sooner than we’re ready for.
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